Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Do or do not, there is no try.

As many of you know, I've just completed the performance studies of my music education degree. This is a very bittersweet feeling for me. I love playing music...that's why I'm doing what I am with my life. I've learned the most about music by diligent practice on my instrument. There is no substitute for the learning experience of performance. If you were at my senior recital, you know that I played many many notes. But if it's the one thing I've learned in the past four years is that you're not always going to hit them all. Chances are if you hit them all, something's going to be out of tune eventually. Now, don't misconstrue this as a "you don't need to be good" speech. If you know me, you know that I'm (sort of) a perfectionist. I believe that if it's worth doing, then it's worth doing right.  I'm merely pointing out that even if you're not the most technically skilled musician, there is so much to learn just by playing music for people. I think this is the most valuable lesson that I've learned these past four years. My ears have developed quite a bit recently and I think that I'm an adequate musician to go into the world and help others be too.

Never, never, never give up.


  1. It has been a blessing to watch you grow up and reach yet another milestone, as it were. But you also can see that this is a door into the next part of life. I appreciate what you said about accepting that we won't always hit all the notes correctly. To not be afraid of mistakes frees one up to keep moving forward. I will cheer you on from here!

  2. Thank you so much for the kind words! I hope I can see you soon!
